SSGM Plugins
Last Update: 24/03/2024 17:44:14
Author: TT
# Official TT SSGM 4.0 Plugins
## AntiSpawnKill
A plugin written by reborn.
This plugin prevents players from being killed when they spawn for a number of seconds defined in the config file ssgm.ini under the section AntiSpawnKill
and option Time.
## BanSystem
A plugin written by StealthEye.
A new ban/kick system that allows kicking players displaying a reason why they were kicked or banned.
Also provides a means to keep out players who do not have a certain scripts version.
## CharacterRefund
A plugin written by reborn.
A plugin that will give players back a fraction of their money if they switch character.
## Crates
A plugin that enables the special crates like seen in SSGM 2.0.2
It makes the yellow crates grant various powerups like for example refilling your health or armor, granting a character change or even a free vehicle.
Available crates are listed below:
- **CrateWeapon** - Grants you a random weapon
- **CrateMoney** - Grants or Takes 1 up to 1000 credits
- **CratePoints** - Grants or Takes 1 up to 500 points
- **CrateVehicle** - Grants a random vehicle from either team
- **CrateDeath** - Kills you
- **CrateTiberium** - kills you with tiberium and spawns a Visceroid AI unit
- **CrateAmmo** - Refills all your weapons ammo
- **CrateArmor** - Refills your armor once or sets it to 1
- **CrateHealth** - Refills your health once or sets it to 1
- **CrateCharacter** - Changes your character to a random one from your team
- **CrateButterFingers** - Removes all your weapons but pistol or timed c4
- **CrateRefill** - Refills all your armor, health and weapons ammo
- **CrateBeacon** - Grants you a Nuclear or Ion Beacon
- **CrateSpy** - Makes you invisible to base defenses
- **CrateStealth** - Grants your character stealth abilities
- **CrateThief** - Takes away all your money
To enable crates and their probabilities you must enter the following into your `ssgm.ini`. Remember that all crates added up must total 100. Example:
; EnableCrates=
; Decides if there will be ANY crates, both old and new, on the map.
; EnableNewCrates=
; Decides if there will be new crates, if this is set to 0 and EnableAllCrates is set to 1, normal/old crates will spawn.
; New Crates turn those little yellow boxes into a lottery-based system that can help turn the tide of any game,
; and can lead to some pretty fun times.
; Crate log messages will use the "_CRATE" header.
; AllowVehCrates=
; If set to 1, vehicles will be allowed to pick up crates. If new crates are disabled, this will always be set to 1.
; Crate percent configuration.
; Controls crate percentages for all maps.
; If you want to disable a specific crate, set it to 0 or leave it blank. Make sure the total sum is 100, or SSGM
; will use its defaults.
## CTF
This plugin will allow you to run CTF on your server. Add a section called [CTF] to your ssgm.ini like for example:
; CaptureLimit=
; How many times a team must capture the enemy's flag to win the map.
; Set this to 0 to have an unlimited capture limit.
; This is usually overridden by the class specific capture limit in the map specific section.
; EnableReverseCTF=
; Enable the Reverse CTF classes. In a Reverse CTF game the objective is to take the enemy flag from your base and run it
; to your pedestal in the enemy base.
; ForceClass=
; Forces a specific CTF class to always be used instead of randomly selecting one.
; Set to 0 to enable random selection.
; In addition to this setting, each class can be individually enabled or disabled in the map specific section.
; ShowFriendlyFlagRadar=
; Toggles whether players see their own flag on their radar.
: Note: Turning this setting off will only work for players with bhs.dll.
; ShowEnemyFlagRadar=
; Toggles whether players see the enemy's flag on their radar.
: Note: Turning this setting on will only work for players with bhs.dll.
; ReturnDropFlagTime=
; How long, in seconds, a dropped flag should remain before it is automatically returned to its pedestal.
; EnableRegenForHolder=
; RegenAmount=
; This setting determines if the player who has the enemy's flag will have X amount of health auto regenerated
; every second.
; CapturePoints=
; How many points to give to a player when they capture the enemy's flag.
; CapturePointsTeam=
; How many points to give to each player on a team when their team captures the flag.
; CaptureMoney=
; How much money to give to a player when they capture the enemy's flag.
; CaptureMoneyTeam=
; How much money to give to each player on a team when their team captures the flag.
; The CTF settings below should not be changed unless you know what you're doing.
; FlagPresetName=
; The preset name of the powerup used for dropped flags. The selected preset must not be used for anything else in the
; game as SSGM modifies the preset in a way that will make it not work if used for anything besides the flag.
; CarriedFlagPresetName=
; The preset to use for the flag when it is being carried by a player. Should be a preset with the radar blip type set to
; "Objective."
; FlagModelName#=
; The name of the model to use for flags, both dropped and carried.
; Each team can have a different model.
; PedestalPresetName#=
; The preset used for the flag pedestal.
; Each team can use a different preset.
; FlagOffset_X/Y/Z=
; The offset to create the flag relative to the pedestal's position.
## ExtraConsoleCommands
A plugin written by reborn.
This plugin will add several extra console commands to your server console. Commands that will be added are:
TAKECREDITS <clientId> <amount> - Takes specified amount of credits (please enter a positive amount) from the client.
KILL <clientId> - Kills the player's character (if they're driving a vehicle it will kill that too).
TAKEPOINTS <clientId> <amount> - Takes the specified amount of points from the player (please enter a positive amount).
GIVEPOW <clientId> <PowerUp> - Gives the specified power-up to the player.
ATTACHSCRIPT <clientId> <script> <parameters> - Attaches specified script to the player (parameters can be left out if desired).
UNATTACHSCRIPT <clientId> <script> - Removes the specified script from the player.
FREEZEPLAYER <clientId> - Removes control of the character from the player.
UNFREEZEPLAYER <clientId> - Gives control of the character to the player.
LISTPLAYERSOBJECTIDS - Sends a list of all the current players player ID's, with their object ID's to the log stream.
## FirstBlood
A plugin written by reborn.
This plugin will award x points set in config file to the shooter for the first kill. If PlayQuakeSounds is enabled it will play the sound "First Blood" for
everyone in the server too.
Add the following to your ssgm.ini to use the firstblood plugin:
;Number of points to grant a player when they have the first kill
## NoPoints
A plugin written by reborn.
This plugin attaches a nullify script to all objects which makes them grant 0 points when they are either damaged or killed.
If an object is worth 1000 points originally you will receive $1000 credits when you kill said object. No points.
This plugin has no configurable options.
## PointsDistribution
A plugin written by reborn.
This plugin collects damage done to an object for everyone that damaged the object. On the object's death everyone is awarded an portion of the total points
depending on the amount of damage they done to the object.
This works for basically all types of objects, vehicles, buildings, soldiers, C4 and Proximity C4.
## RandomStartingCredits
A plugin written by reborn.
This plugin will see to it that every map a different amount of starting credits is set. In ssgm.ini you would enter for example:
## Spectate
A plugin written by reborn.
*This plugin is deprecated as the `spectate` console command is now a part of the game.*
## SuddenDeath
A plugin written by reborn.
## Swap
A plugin written by reborn.
Players are able to type `!swap` to switch places with a player on the opposite team. Options in ssgm.ini are as follows:
;SwapGameTimeLimit is the maximum expired time in seconds into a game that swapping is allowed.
;SwapExpireLimit is the time in seconds for a swap to expire if nobody responds to it.
## Teamspeak
A plugin written by reborn.
This plugin allows you to connect the FDS to a TeamSpeak 3 server. It will swap players on TeamSpeak into the channel for the team they are currently fighting
for. ssgm.ini entries are as follows:
;Channel ID's
# Unofficial TT SSGM 4.0 Plugins
You can download various useful plugins at [MPF](
To run various plugins you will have to edit the ssgm.ini and add each plugin you wish to run under the [Plugins] section. An example plugins section looks like