📌 Frequently Asked Questions
Last Update: 03/06/2024 22:07:56
Author: TT
## How to install Renegade with Tiberian Technologies patch?
You will need to have a copy of Renegade installed on your computer using one of the following steps:
- If you have a physical copy (Retail/TFD) of the game, you can install it from the disc.
- If you have the serial key, but don't have the physical copy or a CD/DVD driver, you can download the ISO image for Renegade from [here](https://downloads.cncfps.com/Renegade/Game/Renegade_Game.iso).
- You can buy C&C The Ultimate Collection from [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/39394/Command__Conquer_The_Ultimate_Collection/).
- You can buy C&C The Ultimate Collection from [Origin/EA App](https://www.origin.com/usa/en-us/store/command-and-conquer/command-and-conquer-the-ultimate-collection).
Once the Renegade installation is complete, download the latest Tiberian Technologies patch from our [Downloads](/Downloads) page, and follow the steps given by the installer.
## Is there any way to play Renegade on macOS?
Yes, you can run Renegade on macOS using VMware Fusion, Bootcamp, Crossover or Parallels.
If you have further suggestions, please [Contact](/Contact) us.
## Is there any way to play Renegade on Linux?
Yes, you can run Renegade on Linux using Wine. Below is a list of commands for popular Linux distributions that should install the dependencies for Renegade & auto-updater. Debian commands have been tested on Ubuntu 23.10 & 24.04, but other commands are not tested. None of the suggestions below are guaranteed to work.
| Debian (tested) | Fedora | Red Hat | Arch Linux |
| --------------- | ------ | ------- | ---------- |
| `sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y install wine winetricks && WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot && winetricks -q vcrun2012 d3dx9 dotnetdesktop8` | `sudo dnf -y update && sudo dnf -y install wine.i686 winetricks && WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot && winetricks -q vcrun2012 d3dx9 dotnetdesktop8` | `sudo yum -y install epel-release && sudo yum -y install epel-release && sudo yum -y update && sudo yum -y install wine.i686 winetricks && WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot && winetricks -q vcrun2012 d3dx9 dotnetdesktop8` | `sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm && sudo pacman -S --noconfirm wine wine-mono wine-gecko winetricks lib32-libxcomposite lib32-libxinerama lib32-freetype2 && WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot && winetricks -q vcrun2012 d3dx9 dotnetdesktop8`
Note that Steam does not support running Renegade on Linux. You should install the game on a Windows machine and copy it to Linux.
If you have further suggestions, please [Contact](/Contact) us.
## Where are the crash dumps?
If you have `UseRenFolder` set to `true` or `1` in `data\paths.ini` file, you can find the crash dumps
in `<Game Root Folder>\Renegade\Client\debug`
If nothing above makes sense to you, you can find them in `%UserProfile%\Documents\Renegade\Client\debug`
It is much appreciated and encouraged to submit the crash dump(s) to us by following the steps in our [Contact](/Contact) page, or via PM to a TT developer.
Thank you in advance!
*Tip: You can copy and paste the paths into the Run dialog (opened by using `Windows key + R` key combo) to directly open the folder.*
## How can I create my own server?
You can create a private server to play with your friends using your client from the "Multiplay LAN" menu. Note that these servers
are not advertised to WOL/GSA, so friends can join only using the IP address you've chosen while configuring the server.
It is possible to create a private server from client that advertises either on WOL or GSA, but not both at once. Servers created on clients
will lack features that SSGM offers.
If you want to create a public server or want to use SSGM/Dragonade features, there's a tutorial provided by MPF
## Where can I find a list of scripts and their descriptions?
We have a list of __documented__ scripts and their descriptions [here](https://doxy.tiberiantechnologies.org/classes.html).
## Where can I find the latest Dragonade?
There's an unofficial mirror of Dragonade at [GitHub](https://github.com/TheUnstoppable/Dragonade/) maintained by several TT members.
## Where can I find LevelEdit files for bot-compatible stock maps?
You can download them by clicking [here](/files/maps-4.7.zip).